Friday, February 24, 2017

Food Inc and Marzipan

Today is an interesting day.
1. In the morning, we watched "Food Inc" together. Since I live and grow up on a country that its economy based on agriculture so I am not very surprise to see all the process and the ugly truth behind the food we eat nowadays. I personally think that the cruel raising and killing are normal because we live in a world that has 7 billion people, and not many of those are vegetarians. So, in order to fulfill the needs of humans, mass production is an essential thing to have. I have seen chickens living in a more crowded and dirty place than that and I also have seen animals like pig, cow, chicken being killed and cooked freshly, and I pretty like the taste of the meat so no complaining about that ;) Also, I have always doubted the quality of fast food, "how can people trust $1 hamburger, while I buy a small piece of fresh vegetable in Walmart is more than $1?". The only thing that surprised me was the fact the corn appear to be in so many food that I have never thought of. Overall, I enjoy the movie, it reminds me to read the label every time I go shopping in Walmart.

2. In the evening, we learned how to shape the dough of almond marzipan. It so fun and entertaining. It reminds me about the reason why I like art in general. I make a violet rose in a vase, a bunny, a Pegasus in Disney Hercules and a drumstick with fries. I ate "some" dough in the process of making my art pieces, it tastes pretty good. Here are some pictures of my work. 

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